Wednesday, November 11, 2009

You Turkey!

I love finding a great bargain, and boy did I ever find one this week.  Frozen turkeys were on sale at WalMart for 40¢ per pound!  I was so excited about this find that I bought TWO twelve-pound turkeys for a total of $10.  I cooked one of the turkeys last night and it is in my fridge waiting for me to divide into meals.  The other will be saved for the official Turkey Day. 

There are options a plenty when it comes to my bird.  I will slice up one of the breasts, dice up the other for a casserole, save the dark meat for a soup or stew, and then make stock with all that's left.  That is 4 meals - maybe 5 if I can get enough good stock out of him...all for five bucks.  I LOVE it when that happens!

Does anyone out there have any good recipes to send my way?  I am looking for some yummy ideas to whip up with my savings.  Once I get it all done I will share the results.  Happy Basting!!!


  1. Hi Dee Dee, so glad you stopped by and so sorry you have been sick but I hope you are on the mend now. I love tetrazzini made with chicken or leftover turkey. And speaking of turkeys I made my cranberry relish today for Thanksgiving. Aunt Debbie loves cranberry relish. I also made enough for a tea party I plan to have early December. You use Lorna Doones and put mascaropone and the cranberry relish on it...yummmm. Visit more often. I miss seeing you. xo

  2. I'll get those recipes to you straight up. Lynn is so special isn't it??? (insert big grin here by me) xo


I'm thrilled you stopped by...I look forward to reading your comments.